16 November 2023
Dear Comrades,
After more than two decades of serving Masifundise, Naseegh Jaffer has decided to stand down as Director as of the 31 January 2024. His decision to make way for new leadership to drive the new strategic direction of MDT post the Tribunal in 2024 is honorable.
The Board is preparing for the recruitment of a new Director, and in the interim, Carmen Mannarino and Michelle Joshua, who have both been with the organisation for a number of years, will serve as acting co- directors. Naseegh will continue to contribute to the strategic direction of Masifundise until a new Director is in place and remain involved in the work of Masifundise in a different capacity.
Thank you
Monelo George Bongo Chairperson MDT Board of Trustees
See official announcement here: https://www.masifundise.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Masifundise-Announcement.pdf