Members of CLSA provincial executive committee held a meeting yesterday (8 July) in Cape Town.
On the discussion table was the upcoming World Forum of Fisher Peoples’ General Assembly, the August Annual General Meeting of CLSA, its constitution and programme.
The meeting was attended by representatives from CLSA branches in Langebaan, Hawston, Paternoster, Saldanha, Mamre, Gansbaai, Pearly Beach, Buffeljagsbaai and Hout Bay.
Coastal Links South Africa has more than 4 000 members nationally organised into about 90 branches and committees. The Western Cape is a traditional stronghold and is where the organisation started.
CLSA is pursuing strategies that will enhance its resources, expand its membership and speed up the implementation of the small-scale fisheries policy. CLSA, Masifundise and other partners have played key roles in the development of the new policy.
CLSA advocates gender equity and youth involvement in the fishing industry. These issues came under the spotlight at the provincial meeting on Tuesday.
CLSA will hold its AGM from 29 to 31 August, just before the start of the General Assembly of the WFFP.