Masifundise is working with local government in the Matzikama municipal area to look at ways of strengthening the role of women in fisheries.
Last week Hahn Goliath, a Masifundise field worker, met with the Integrated Development Plan Manager of Matzikama municipality. The two discussed the development and role of fisher women of Doring Bay and Ebenaesher in the implementation of the SSF policy. They looked at ways in which local government could assist in this process.
Over the past weeks, Masifundise has had a number of local area meetings with the women of Doring Bay and Ebenaeser on the West Coast. The meetings were to discuss the SSF Policy and how women in these areas should prepare themselves and take part in the implementation process of the policy.
The results of these meetings were to have three groups of women forums organising meetings and small workshops and disseminating information.
“The women are very clear that they have been excluded from benefiting from the marine resources and that its time to organise themselves to fight for their rights,” commented Goliath.
The women identified role players such as Masifundise and Coastal Links SA, Local Government and all other relevant stakeholders that can contribute to the cause of helping their cause.
Follow up meetings with the women are set for some time this week in the respective towns.