Wednesday, 2 October 2013

This weekly update provides short bits of information on the work of Masifundise Development Trust and Coastal Links South Africa. It will appear every Wednesday.

CLSA conference in Durban.

Members of CLSA from around the country met in Durban on 16 and 17 September to develop a constitution for the organisation and examine the process of implementing the small-scale fisheries (SSF) policy. Some 50 delegates from Coastal towns in four provinces deliberated about these issues for two days. A draft constitution has been completed and would have to be ratified at the MDT and CLSA Annual General Meeting next year (2014).

MDT community visits

An MDT team, together with representatives of partner Africa Kontak, visited Port St Johns and Port Edward on the Eastern Cape and Kwazulu Natal respectively, to meet with communities and assess organisational progress. MDT Staff members Mandla Gqamlana, Josh Cox, Sithembiso Gwaza, Mcebisi Kraai and Nosipho Singiswa embarked on the journey with Iona Eberle and Annete Trane from Africa Kontak. It was part of the National Footprint phasing out project.

Communication on the rise

MDT’s communication team recently produced the third Fishers Net for 2013. In addition, a mass pamphlet on the implementation of the SSF policy has been sent to all corners of the country for distribution. is producing branding material, uses social media widely and plans to embark on an awareness and information campaign to reach people through the mainstream and community media. MDT uses social media extensively and has a website. MDT’s publications can be accessed on these platforms.

Langebaan prepares court papers

The small-scale fishing community in Langebaan has prepared court papers in an effort to get access to a fishing zone that will allow them to have sustainable livelihoods. For full story, see Fishers Net September edition on our website or on our Facebook site.

Practical guide to SSF policy

The project for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), together with MDT, is producing a booklet that will serve as a guide to SSF policy. The booklet should be ready in November 2013.

Pan African Programme

MDT’s Pan African Programme has produced a newsletter on fisheries issues around the continent. The publication has been printed in English and French. Partner organisations in West Africa have printed copies of this publication for distribution at a conference in Senegal this week. For more information, contact Josh Cox or Carsten Pedersen.

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