Tenure Guidelines, laws and policies are the focus of the June Fisher’s Net.

The newsletter contains information on aspects of tenure and provides details on the voluntary guidelines.

“Secure and Equitable tenure lies at the heart of the human rights of small-scale fishing communities, farmers, peasants, indigenous people and local communities. These people and communities depend on their access to land and other natural resources for their food security and livelihoods” Fisher’s Net editorial.

Articles in the publication aim to increase the reader’s knowledge of tenure issue in the context of South Africa.

Page 2 and 3 narrate tenure stories of two communities within the fisheries and land sector. Page 4 and 5 is a cartoon explaining the tenure guidelines, while page 6 and 7 take a look at the South African Tenure legislation and policies.

The publication was compiled with assistance from TCOE and Jackie Sunde. It is printed in English, Xhosa, Zulu and Afrikaans and will be distributed throughout the month of July.

Read the latest t fisher’s Net here:FishersNET2015JUNEafr4LOWfinal FishersNET2015JUNEeng5LOWfinal FishersNET2015JUNExhosa3low FishersNET2015JUNEzulu3lowfinal (1)

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