Fishers from the community of Langebaan who want access to Zone B in the Langebaan lagoon met yesterday 5 August with LRC lawyer Wilmien Wickham.

The meeting was a feedback session regarding the proceedings of the case and a platform to discuss a way forward.

The fishers have been in an unending battle with South Africa National Parks (SANParks) and the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) since access to zone B was denied. With the hope that they will gain access to this zone, the fisher’s yesterday signed an affidavit requesting the court to proceed with the court-case.

In the affidavit, the fisher’s say that the delays in the court case and in the implementation of the small-scale fisheries policy (SSFP) have made life difficult for the Langebaan fishing community.

They continue to say that members become disheartened and frustrated and that this has recently been exploited by political parties coming to have meetings in Langebaan, causing fishers to turn against each other.

Read more about the courtcase here :

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