On Wednesday the 8 of July, DAFF sent out communication to members of the small-scale fishing communities in relation to the FRAP 2015/16 publication consultation meeting.
In the e-mail Abongile Ngqongwa, Deputy Director of small-scale fishing said:
“To all Small-Scale Fishing Communities
There appears to be much confusion amongst communities regarding the upcoming schedule of meetings hosted by the Department. Please be advised that these meetings that will be hosted by the Department over the next three weeks is to consult with stakeholders on the Fishing Rights Application Process (FRAP).
More specifically the purpose of these meetings is to brief potential applicants on the draft policies, application form and fees for 10 commercial fisheries. The rights in these sectors have either expired or are about to expire hence the Department is in the process of conducting another round of rights allocation in these sectors.
Please note that this process has nothing to do with the implementation of the small-scale fisheries process.
Small-scale fishers are nonetheless still welcome to attend these meeting and to consider making application in some sectors in their own capacity, but it must be understood that this process is a competitive process and only those applications that score well against the criteria specified will stand a chance of being successful.
If you have any queries pertaining to these meetings or process you are welcomed to call the FRAP call centre (021 402 3727)”.
In the previous Hook, Masifundise had encouraged its communities to submit comments and take part in the FRAP 2015/16 process.
In last week’s The Hook, Masifundise had said that the organisation is highly concerned about the distribution of the WCRL to commercial fishers. This is due to the fact that once commercial fishers are given rights, this will have direct impact on the number of rights given to small-scale fishers
“We have encouraged our communities, especially those in the West Coast to make comments on the policy,” said Michelle Joshua “because once rights are issued, there is no turning back and as an organisation we cannot allow our fishers to lose out once again,” she commented.
The organisation still stand on this advice to its communities and encourages that small-scale fishing communities take part in this process.
What do you think, do you think the FRAPP 2015/15 process does not have anything to do with the implementation of the SSFP?
The Hook would like to hear your views on this matter.
DAFF has added another 30 days for the public to submit their comments on the Draft Policies. The extension commenced today and comments will be taken up until the 13 of August.
For more information on this process contact the FRAP call centre: 021 402 3727