A letter raising concerns of the small-sale fishers regarding the allocation of fishing rights to the commercial sector was sent to the Deputy Director General for Fisheries Management on the 19 of February.
Issued by the Legal Resources Centre (LRC) on behalf of Masifundise Development Trust and Norton Dowries representing Coastal Links South Africa, the letter demanded, as a matter of urgency, that the department announces the sector splits for the species yet to be allocated within five days of the receipt of the letter and before the closing of the applications for the Fishing Right Allocation Process.
It further said that if the small-scale fishers of which Masifundise and Norton Dowries represent find that the apportionment is not in compliance with court orders (the Kenneth George Matter) these stakeholders reserve their rights to challenge the apportionment.
The department is yet to respond to the letter.
Read The letter here:2016 02 19 Correspondence from the Legal Resources Centre