Co-management is central to South Africa’s SSF Policy, which was the result of years of struggle, advocacy and engagement with government by small-scale fishers. The task now is to support a kind of co-management that reflects the values and principles of South African SSF movement. This is the task set for the Co-Management Guide for Small-Scale Fishers in South Africa,  which identifies some of the important things SSF communities should think about when engaging in the co-management process.

The guide attempts to answer the following questions:

What is co-management? Why co-management?

What is the work of co-management?

How do we get ready for co-management? 

What are the tools for doing co-management?

The content of this guide has been informed by the National Workshopon Co-management, held in Cape Town between May 31 and June 2 organised by Masifundise for Coastal Links South Africa (CLSA). 

You can download at the following link:

Co-Management Guide for Small-scale Fishers in South Africa EN

A big thank you to Arthur Bull for facilitating the Co-Management workshop and providing extensive input on the guide and to Brandan Reynolds for creating the guide’s illustrations.

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