by Masifundise | Jun 24, 2015 | Discussion Papers, Media Statements, Policy Process, Small-scale Fishing
Plan to empower fishers for work opportunities Masifundise and Coastal Links South Africa are embarking on a project that aims to create 2 000 jobs in 20 fishing communities, over the next three years. The project will take place as the long awaited Small-Scale...
by Masifundise | May 28, 2015 | Discussion Papers, Policy Process, Small-scale Fishing
A decade ago, several small-scale fishing communities embarked on collective action that changed the course of fisheries in South Africa. The exclusion of the sector from rights allocations in 2004, led to court and mass action by the fishers, who were led by...
by Masifundise | May 7, 2015 | Discussion Papers, Latest News, Media Statements, Policy Process, Small-scale Fishing
Public Participation an imperative in policy development, management and decision-making The hook has been constantly highlighting Key policy objectives as outlined in the Small-Scale Fisheries Policy. This week we take a look at how the policy can promote effective...
by Masifundise | Mar 4, 2015 | Discussion Papers, Policy Process, Small-scale Fishing
“Due to the dragging of the IR system and the subsequent delay of the implementation of the Small Scale Fisheries Policy, fishers like the one who drowned in Elands Bay, will remain forced to practise unsafe fishing practices”, said Christiaan Adam, chairperson of...
by Masifundise | Mar 4, 2015 | Discussion Papers, Latest News, Media Statements, Policy Process, Small-scale Fishing
25 February 2015 Kwazulu Natal and Eastern Cape Small-scale fishers ready to take a stand Small-scale fishers in Kwazulu Natal and the Eastern Cape want their voices heard and demand decisive action from government. The fishers have experienced huge difficulties in...