George Blaauw, 53, a committed and loyal member of Coastal Links South Africa (CLSA) in Langebaan bid his final farewell on Sunday August 7, according to Solene Smith, chairperson of the Langebaan CLSA branch.
Smith said that Blaauw has been a member of CLSA right from the start and that he was part of the movement that gave birth to the formation of CLSA.
“George was a fisherman his whole life, from the day he left school until he passed away on Sunday,” said Smith.
Blaauw had an Interim Relief (IR) permit for line-fish and rock lobster, but Smith said that he also occasionally would do some net-fishing with the other fishers from Langebaan.
Blaauw was also active in the struggles of the small scale fishing community, and could be seen at all protests that CLSA engaged in for the rights of fishing communities.
“I can say that he was a ‘voorloper’ when it came to marches and protest actions for fishing rights.”
Blaauw died due to a long illness and struggle with a lung infection, and leaves behind his ‘common-law’ wife, three-year old daughter and his three sisters.
Blaauw’s funeral will be on Saturday August 13, with the viewing starting at 9am at his home at No 5 Valk Street, and funeral service starting at 10am at the Multi-Purpose Centre in Antonio Sienie Street, Langebaan.
He will finally be laid to rest at the Langebaan Cemetery later in the day.