Policy work and the question of translating local knowledge and science into efficient governance of natural resources are the key issues under discussion at this year’s partner meeting of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) held in Kalk Bay, Cape Town.

In the invite sent to attendees, the SSNC said it wanted to continue and deepen the dialogue on natural resources management, in order to strengthen their respective organisations’ work in light of ever increasing external pressures on natural resources, users and custodians.

“The invited organisations and SSNC work with natural resources management and policy processes related to marine, chemicals, forest and climate,” said SSNC in the invite.

Participants from different thematic areas and partner organisations of the SNNC from Philippines, Indonesia, Kenya, Uganda, and South Africa have gathered for a weeklong workshop that commenced on Monday morning.

“We kicked off the workshop by talking about environmental justice in general,” wrote Sara Frocklin of SSNC.

SSNC has engaged organisations in dialogue and co-operation on natural resources management (NRM) in different sectors, with a broad and holistic perspective on NRM.

“Most of the first day was spent in discussion groups where we were able to share information and knowledge on how we work with promoting change towards a more equitable and just environment/society,” continued Frocklin.

The five day workshop is covering topics such as,

  • Indigenous knowledge and how it complements science in creating good governance.
  • Environmental justice (access to information, land rights, balancing different interests, and inclusive governance in management of natural resources).
  • Theory of change as a methodology (aiming to involving stakeholders from the local level to the policy level).

By hosting this workshop SSNC aims to broaden and give food for thought that will assist in the development of better strategies towards successful policy work in each organisation’s respective contexts.

Masifundise was represented by Naseegh Jaffer and Mandla Gqamlana.

“Naseegh and Mandla shared some information about Langebaan (which we will be visiting on Wednesday). They also spoke about how people have been displaced from the area where they traditionally used to fish,” said Frocklin.

The first day was concluded by allowing participants to talk about how to combine traditional and scientific knowledge in promoting good governance.

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