Rights- based approaches on fisheries is highlighted this week at a Food and Agriculture Organisation conference held in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the conference is to foster a mutual understanding of the challenges faced by different groups in fisheries communities and to find common ground and options for empowering the future for fishers and fisheries.

Masifundise’s Director, Naseegh Jaffer, is representing small-scale fishers at the conference. He will deliver a presentation on how the South African fishing rights allocation system has evolved in the past 20 years.

His presentation will emphasise the provisions of the Small-Scale Fishing Policy and its effects on the South African fishing sector and the allocation of right to communities instead of individuals.

The conference started on Monday 23 March and will end on Friday 27 March.

For more information on the conference go here.

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