by Masifundise | Aug 17, 2016 | Discussion Papers, Latest News, Media Statements, Policy Process, Small-scale Fishing
Fisher leaders have accused the government of flouting the law with its recent fisheries allocation. Members of Coastal Links South Africa have increasingly expressed frustration at the allocation process and the slow pace of implementation of the small-scale...
by Masifundise | Jun 2, 2016 | Discussion Papers, Policy Process, Small-scale Fishing
The right to access land and protect dignity through the use of tenure rights is a pivotal dialogue for those who find themselves facing injustices related to tenure. This is a statement from the 17 community members who attended a Tenure workshop in the Eastern Cape...
by Masifundise | May 18, 2016 | Coastal Links, Policy Process
Buffeljagsbaai fisherwomen showcase at a Cheese and Wine festival The Alikreukel stand of the women of Buffelsjagbaai and Suurbraak made a huge impact at the Cheese and Wine Festival in Stellenbosch recently, according to Sarah Niemand, Coastal Links SA (CLSA) member...
by Masifundise | May 4, 2016 | Discussion Papers, Media Statements, Policy Process, Small-scale Fishing
By Masifundise The communities living along the coastline in Maputaland in Northern Kwa-Zulu Natal have been fishing and harvesting marine resources there since time immemorial. An action research study undertaken by Masifundise, the Environmental Evaluation Unit at...
by Masifundise | Apr 27, 2016 | Coastal Links, Discussion Papers, Policy Process, Small-scale Fishing
Vander Kloof fishers are on their way to legality and being recognised as fishers at the Vander Kloof Dam and there is nothing that can hold them back, according to Raphael Benadie, chairperson of Keurkieskloof Vissers Gemeenskap. This comes after the Department of...